Monday, 17 May 2010

Try us out for free!

As a savvy little envelope I know that the words "free" and "accountant" usually mix together about as well I mix with a shredder! Once again, I have put my foot (well ok, flap) down and told Mazuma that they are so blooming brilliant that people should get the chance to meet one of my purple envelope colleagues for free!

Guess what? They listened! Now you can try out Mazuma's Purpleforce service without having to hand over a single penny!

We know that changing your Accountant, or even hiring one for the first time can be a bit scary.

We know that because we work so differently from standard Accountants, that you might be a little bit nervous about signing your accounts over to us. Isn’t it better the devil you know?!

No! Because we also know that our services are second to none!

So, why not try us out for free?

The taster pack will give you an idea of how our services work and you’ll see the quality of service and speed at which your accounts are processed and your documents are returned to you.

All you have to do is fill out the form, pop your documents in the Freepost envelope provided and send it off to us. In about 5 working days you’ll get your accounts back, simple!

There is absolutely no commitment, no ulterior motive and no catches! We just want you to see what a life of hassle-free accounting would look like for you with Mazuma!

So, go and Get A Quote , put the word "FREE" into the promo code and I will personally instruct one of my envelope buddies to go and see you!

Well, that's another day revolutionising Accountancy under my belt, I wonder what I'll get up to tomorrow?!


Mr P

Friday, 14 May 2010

How many envelopes does it take to grow an accountant?

Goodness! What a busy week I've had at Mazuma HQ! Literally thousands of my envelope colleagues left the building yesterday, off out on a mission to help small businesses with their accounts.

For those of you lucky enough to be visited by one of us, you might just get something a little like this in the post:

Now don't be alarmed, it's not too difficult, you'll just have to follow these instructions:

Just joking! Of course Accountant seeds don't really exist, but I am trying to get you all to think a little more about what one of us Purple Envelopes could do for you. You see, we don't ask you to slot into our time scales, or charge you unexpectedly, or make you use a spreadsheet or a bit of software. You just have to give us all your accountancy bits and bobs and we'll sort out the rest - marvellous stuff!

Of course, as I have said many times before, being a bit different means that lots of Accountants (especially the ones who look like the chap on the seed packet!) really don't like me very much. I try very hard to stay purple and not let it make me feel blue, but sometimes it can be very difficult. If I had tear ducts instead of an adhesive strip, I might cry a little bit.

Still, I visit so many wonderful small businesses that I never let it get me down for long! In fact, I'm planning on getting out and about much more over the summer months so if you'd like a visit then just message me on Twitter. You can't miss me, I'm the purple envelope called @MrP_Mazuma!

Well, I'd better shuffle off and get Lowri's office tidied up for her. She's been away on holiday so I've been using her office but ssshhhhh, don't tell her!

The cheeky little paperclips had a party last night and invited the shredder along. Needless to say there is shredded paper and unclipped paperwork everywhere and the post-it notes have hidden in the kitchen with the tea spoons by way of a protest.

Honestly, an envelope's work is never done!

Over and Out

Mr P

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...apparently!

Being a trend setter is great. Everyone wants to be an innovator and not a follower, but whilst it's great to stand out in a crowd, one of the disadvantages of being distinclty different is that people want to copy you. Just look at Madonna, Michael Jackson, Jedward and the like. It's flattering when people like what you do, but when it comes down to business there are rules about this stuff!

As an envelope in the field I get out and about quite a lot. I love meeting other businesses, I even love meeting other accountants when there is a mutual respect for eachother's market! What makes me absolutely purple with rage (although you could never tell) is when other accountants steal my ideas!

Sadly this is not a new occurance. Over the years I've sent out many a letter to naughty folks stealing our hard work. This can range from copying text from our website and tweaking it for their own purposes, to copying our packages and services, to actually pretending to be us!

The thing is, there's only one Mr P and my alliances lie firmly with my employers Mazuma. I know that I'm in demand, many have tried to woo me over the years with the promises of a bigger letter tray, special delivery postage or my own PA (paper assistant), but the fact is that Mazuma were the first to see my potential and envelop me into their world.

So, to all you cheeky scamps who think that you can slip under my radar; be warned! Pilfering text from our website is not just naughty, lazy and unimaginative, it's also illegal! If you care enough to start your own business then at least care enough to come up with your own ideas. We care about our intellectual property and if you nick it, you might just have a rather angry little envelope through your letterbox very quickly!

Over and Out!

Mr P
